Wednesday, May 5, 2010


i'm having a paper tomoro namely FSA-Fucking Sick Analysis
all i did the whole day is by sitting in front of my table and do nothing about this subject...
no matter where i begin, no matter how i struggle, i ended up in a maze of illusion
this subject is so abstract and intangible that made this subject so artistic!
if this subject were to nominated together with SEPET....FSA might won with distinction!
enough of crap....i'm tired n im gonna land in a world full of misery...bo3y in fuckingland...night

Monday, May 3, 2010

Dayang live~

The most promising artist i guess...she has been struggling in the industry for years and she do have good output...however, i do believe it's not easy in the industry when if u dun have the demand, the next day, ur out from the circle...i noticed her from OIAM and her journey of art began from there....OIAM is so influential...the made the voices of the underdog artist to be heard...there are so many talented underdogs that we only start noticing them when they rejoin a competition...n i hav to salute dayang for her courage in this industry coz ppl starts to debate of her appearence as the 1st Malaysian artist to join a singing competition...but..who ever cares! she has her vision and she and not afraid to stand out in the crowd altho she is competing with some of the amatuers....Congrats to dayang for her recent award after so long...ALBUM POP TERBAIK-DAYANG LIVE.....gud compilation in the album...she really rule the r&b industry in malaysia...thumbs up!


having said to start posting my blog in May...aiksss...i dun wanna fly kite altho im so darn busy with my finals till the 14th of May...and the mid of May going up Uncle Lim's place to serve for him for 4 months....i'm freaking out when i heard from my friend's friend that we wont get any access to the wi-fi unless we bring our own broadband up.....and dun ever think of taking the lappy to the hotel lobby or even starbucks....he was saying by the end of evryday...we r just mentally and physically tired tat we just nid some quality time with our bed!i'm so into my despair and confusion...and yet...hope i made the right choice of picking u! -Uncle Lim...

Friday, April 16, 2010

Under Maintenance


From the crap above....the only reason for me not updating this blog is : I HAVE NO FUCKING TIME TO BLOG!!!

see u afterwards!~!~!
in May perhaps...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

R.I.P the Queen


Date:7th March 2010

i felt so sinful for not getting in time to visit my granny while im now holidaying....i just had a severe fever recovery and keep on pondering whether to visit granny back in klang or not...who knows a phone call rang at 8.06am from my bro saying that granny had just passed away...more and more phone calls rang after that, from my aunt, my parents, asking when are we coming, what is my chinese characters (name).

Sunday, February 28, 2010




帮我停住时间 和我双手紧握 给我更多的如果
如果没有明天 如果还有来生 如果谁能听得见
我们的幸福那么坎坷 为了这个拥抱满身伤痕
可是有什么好计较的呢 只要在你怀里我都忘了
趁此刻快乐的我们还在 我要感谢你让天堂存在
就算我只有你一个最爱 我也没有遗憾
if i die tonight

他们不会懂的 我们能拥有的 只剩下眼前的美
望着你的轮廓 忘了所有伤痛 我太快乐泪才往下流
我们的幸福那么坎坷 为了这个拥抱满身伤痕
可是有什么好计较的呢 只要在你怀里我都忘了
趁此刻快乐的我们还在 我要感谢你让天堂存在
就算我只有你一个最爱 也没有遗憾
if i die tonight

趁此刻快乐的我们还在 我要感谢你让天堂存在
就算我只有你一个最爱 我也没有遗憾
If I die tonight

This song hurts so good...this song is so meaningful as it represent love is always there no matter in what situation we are...the video clip is so artistic and creative as it stories about one of the gay partner who is getting married and have a mum who is ill and undergoing an operation...but as usual, i hate bad endings...the only flaws of this mtv is the ending...but overall, i tribute the creativeness of the director n script writer!

CNY DAY 2: Crouching Tiger

The GAB kids

model wannabe: couture la konon
shooting in the green ended up biting by mosquitoes

Day 2 of CNY is so damn fun when we the cousins went outing near my granny's place and cam all the way till dawn...nothing much to post this time for im kinda busy the whole 2 weeks after CNY when my submission of FYP, assignments, and exams are starting on monday...and will be posting CNY for the last time for tomorrow is already the last day of CNY n im still waiting for the whole set of CNY pics from my bro...
Furthermore, not in the mood to post anything for the humid wheather and the exam vibes...
till then: life can be awfully amazing