Saturday, September 26, 2009

Brain's cell Booster & Brain's cell Retriever

Ahax...its Friday and we planned dine at home for we almost get nausea of the food we had our so called "brain booster"....serious shit...its damn healthy...ahax....and we named it so glorious tat we felt too honored to have the

egg sandbithes topped with seducing lettuce...(egg sandwiches lah!)the swam maggots (potato & mac salad)

ahax....u dun wanna noe wat we named them...(ayamas blackpepper frank)

After the is where all our brain cells goes to....the "retriever"....nothing much to comment on the going bac to rehab now...till then..."life can still be awfully amazing"..ahax

updated quality time spent

It was 18th of Sept when i decided to join Andrea & Audrey for a day lepak in DP....we did nothing much there for we almost get bored of DP..but just for the sake of spending quality time together...glad to see Audrey since the past 6 months i guess....she is still as petite as the last time i saw her...ahax...bringing her along with jovial and outgoing....that makes my day...for im undergoing a long quaratine of examsss...ahahaxx....remember Andrea sms me yesterday...and i replied her that im in rehab...ahax....telling her to wait for my

the mascort we saw outside of the newly opened A&W....
so we took chance to kacau this fella...
seems like he is smiling inside too!ahax
Audrey was complaining of her honey lemon with the honey smeared outside the glass...
Andrea as usual listen without a reply...

we forced this petite little girl to wear sumthing that she reluctant too at first...
once she dress on the outfit...mak datuk....we just cant call her to stop...she will just keep posing....

Thursday, September 24, 2009



曲:周傑倫 詞:劉耕宏

地獄天使 披著美麗幻影

一樣的月 謎樣的沉醉



地獄天使 透露夢的訊息

忽隱忽現 模糊了視線愛的疲倦

心還是破碎 面臨決裂


你帶我上天堂 又推我下去


你帶我上天堂 又推我下去

不敢相信 但你已決定

Sunday, September 20, 2009


This song hurts me so good...he wrote it so painfully...i prefer his version compared to angela's version...for i can connect better with his soulful voice...I like this song so much for how the lyrics goes so well with what im undergoing....sometimes we don't have what we like, sometimes we don't like what we have...and sometimes things goes and put a big full stop at the end...who say what goes around comes around?...its all not within our grasp...and we are just a slave of the universe....

阿沁 遗失的美好


绝终于和天 在地平线交会




美丽的飞 盘旋然后不见















Friday, September 18, 2009

It's Black & White!

The Host: Mr. Bo3y
The Driver..Ahax..he's gonna kill me

the player

the player 2

the girl next door

chicken spaggetti...

seafood spaggeti

chicken chop in art

pizza toast

the mess

the day when we had a simple yet nice dinner in B&W....the dinner is n my account as i promised all my assignment mates that if we get full marks for the assignment, i will give them a treat...and so did we!...i actually planned for ZEN as im craving for their gateau...but unfortunately tat freaking day, they operate till 10pm we proceed to B&W instead...we had a splendid nyt8 and memorable as this may be the 1st and last time i will be together with them for all of them have their own gangs...

Sunday, September 13, 2009

pondering 2...

K told me that im pondering too much lately...K said mayb becoz im staying alone all these while..i tot i can forget the thing happened...but i just cant get it out off my mind...seriously...i myself realise tat i kept pondering too much...just imagine i vomitted out yesterday...i just dunno y...not of sickness...coz i dun feel any unwell...but i just vomitted out...and rolled out pondering yesterday, why im always the emotional instability one??i noe its no one else fault...its my own fault...but at timesi nid ppl to talk to...i tried to call...but i just feel like an idiot to always call the same person n tell evrything out...part of my ponders....K use to tell me evrything last time....i felt appreciated...but now...i noe there is sumthing hiding behind...but it is kept unrevealed....i noe its still my just pondering too much...seriously...i fucked up my own sorry for myself and i reli do miss myself....i nid some emotional stability...hope god will realise me....

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Mad World

i like this song so badly...adam lambert version's just outshine the original singer...but due to my previous post...i do think tat we shud make an honor to the original singer...coz this world is always unfair where sumting is urs but being taken granted and famed by others....this is a mad world...Gary Jules has his own personality in this enjoy the post...

Mad World

lyricsSongwriters: Orzabal, Roland

All around me are familiar facesWorn out places,

worn out facesBright and early for the daily races

Going nowhere, going nowhere

Their tears are filling up their glasses

No expression, no expression

Hide my head I wanna drown my sorrow

No tomorrow, no tomorrow

And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad

The dreams in which I'm dying are the best

I've ever hadI find it hard to tell you,

I find it hard to takeWhen people run in circles its a very,

veryMad world, mad world

Children waiting for the day they feel good

Happy birthday, happy birthday

And I feel the way that every child should

Sit and listen, sit and listenWent to school and

I was very nervousNo one knew me, no one knew me

Hello teacher tell me, what's my lesson?

Look right through me, look right through me

And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad

The dreams in which I'm dying are the best

I've ever hadI find it hard to tell you,

I find it hard to takeWhen people run in circles its a very,

veryMad world, mad world, enlarging your worldMad world

What hurts the most?

what hurts the most...when u dun get the acknowledge when u did sumthing so passion-ly...i dunno...perhaps im just being me...i had all these while..n i think its time 4 me to take a stand 4 myself...i keep evrything in tired of assignments tat are from my contributions but yet others got its comes the scenario...the nyt8 be4....2am in the morning to be exact...i told so many ideas about the plot...i even write down in a script...but the next day...i was not ther...n evryone will just praise the person who did the thing..without concerning wat is at the back...i'm the THINKER you just too stressed up perhaps...i always dun get the gud names...anything the first to get....this is like people say that the singer sings very gud...but they din even notice tat wat makes the music gud??the composer of course!!!....this is a mad world...the song im currently listening to..ahax...

Friday, September 11, 2009


i have this mixed feelings lately...i'm kinda afraid actually....i'm always happy and my life is full of colors....example..just now..we had so much fun in Mahkota and DP....and im so darn happy coz my group got full marks for our presentation after all our hard work....but...on the other hand..i felt so damn lonely once im back just by myself facing this my heart...i dun really know wat am i thinking actually....i envy ppl tat can be happy all the time without any misery..i am just being so myself...i talk much when i feel like talking...i dun talk when im not in the mood...sumtimes...i think too much tat nobody knows...and the person i once spill out all my no more bring "implemented"....lolx...not to say no more lah...but we seldom talk anymore..we always share stories its all in vain...and i just dun know just trying so hard...and god still doesnt realise me...the same thing always happened and im the one gagling all by seriously very sick of all these...i just wan a very simple life...and i made myself complicated...i will be fine..i miss myself...i ponder....

Saturday, September 5, 2009

penang updates 30th & 31st August

I'm back in penang??aha...serious shit! im back in penang and had tonnes of quality times with my parents...din manage to meet up my frends for i just went bac for 2 days...indeed had fun with my parents...ahax...coz i got to savor places that i cant afford 4myself...that wats a momma's boy does best! lol
30th nyt8 dinner...i had a splendid japanese cuisine with my parents and my sister n in law...owh ya...forgotten to sista was ther its on her account!ahax...we went to try this lil jap restaurant called Azuma. food quality so...we paid 4 the ambience...the waited staff were quite rude tho...that one of them almost pissed my dad off...i forgotten most of the names of the food we ordered..ahax...but i'll just tagged them then.

the interior


mine: chicken with egg rice

my dad's: unagi set

my mum's: idea...its a fish dish..duhh

my sis shares with her hub...sushi set

here comes the second day sis was back by then...only left me and my parents...waiting to send me off to the bus station at10pm....we went to TGI's..what im craving for....and becoz its merdeka's special..they had a few course set for just rm29.90...damn worth dad n mum ordered the ordered ala carte...n not to miss..desertsss...

starter: clam chowder

starter: mac & cheese

mine: jack danielle's burger

my mum's: TGI's fish n chips

my dad's :sizzling chicken with cheese & mash potatoes

what made my day: mocha mud pie!

end of post: life can be awfully amazing