Friday, July 31, 2009


詞:林文炫 曲:胡彥斌 演唱:張芸京

天邊的那朵雲 要去那裏流浪

如果有答案 要記得跟我講誰的愛 





就要下雨 你的自尊要逃向何方

是男是女 隨便你要怎麼想


只為他 穿過一次的黑裙子 深深鎖在記憶的牆 

寫好的遺言 也要用力唱 祭拜我們為了愛的瘋狂 

只為他 穿過一次的黑裙子 還在風中盪 

黑指甲 短頭髮 有些話不用講 

為愛 我就是這樣

the song is sang by a female singer by the way...


do not discriminate god's creation just by the looks and personality...

this song tells it all..

Thursday, July 30, 2009

birthday bash ??

updated from 28th July 2009..
a 2 days birthday party were held
location: 1.MORI cafe
2.My house
the pics may offend some of the viewer's as i tagged the title as BD bash...
but the pics ended up damn clean n decent...ahax...
well..he is 22...but for people at his age...they are still lepak-ing and playing fools around...
however...he is just one of a kind...n that makes him cool, steady n stern at times...
the pics is the max limit that we can forced out from him...ahax..
the host: Mr. AKYAP
..The 1st nyt8..
what he is proud off

the 2nd nyt8 at my place..
we had 5 course dinner
simple yet thoughtful and fun

surprised guest...ahax...

this just show how much fun we had the other nyt8

his first few attempt:- drinking

not to forget...deck of card!

njoy ur day!
life can be awfully amazing!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


It's been awhile i had not been posting anything on the blog.... has not been had been way too long for me to get my ass up to post something to this abandoned blog..

There is no reason for it however there are factors that leads to it...zzzz...what am i talking
1. i'm lazy enough to even type sumthing on my blog but im too free to type whole nyt8 long with my frends thru msn.
2. univesity life is not as relaxing as i thought...or perhaps i'm pushing myself too hard
3. having sum ups n downs..mostly downs tat makes me feel fed up to post the blog.
4.last but not least...the most important point...i was too busy that i abondoned my blog...n being even more mean that i forgotten my freaking password!! at last..with the help of the half blooded prince and the da vincci code(damn...being too obsessed)...i finally figured out the password...where? in my most inspiration and idea flowing place... the TOILET!

just then for now....
hope tat i'll be more rajin to post sumthing in the blog...