Saturday, September 26, 2009

updated quality time spent

It was 18th of Sept when i decided to join Andrea & Audrey for a day lepak in DP....we did nothing much there for we almost get bored of DP..but just for the sake of spending quality time together...glad to see Audrey since the past 6 months i guess....she is still as petite as the last time i saw her...ahax...bringing her along with jovial and outgoing....that makes my day...for im undergoing a long quaratine of examsss...ahahaxx....remember Andrea sms me yesterday...and i replied her that im in rehab...ahax....telling her to wait for my

the mascort we saw outside of the newly opened A&W....
so we took chance to kacau this fella...
seems like he is smiling inside too!ahax
Audrey was complaining of her honey lemon with the honey smeared outside the glass...
Andrea as usual listen without a reply...

we forced this petite little girl to wear sumthing that she reluctant too at first...
once she dress on the outfit...mak datuk....we just cant call her to stop...she will just keep posing....